Wittman Tailwind


Engine: 100 or 145 HP Continental, 108-160 HP Lycoming
Propeller: 64" to 70" Dia., 62" to 74" pitch
Cruising Speed (Vc): 150 to 190 MPH
Top Speed (Vmax): 200 MPH
Landing Speed: 58-60 MPH
Empty Weight: 850 Lbs
Gross Weight: 1425 Lbs
Wing Area: 100 Sq. Feet
Never Exceed Speed (Vne): 210 MPH
The above performances and weights varies with engine choice.
Desired C.G. Range: 15% to 28%
Control Travel:
      Flaps 45° Down
      Ailerons 36° Up 28° Down
      Elevator: 30° Up 25° Down
      Rudder: Not Less Than 30°
0° Diedral
0° Of Incidence
0° Washout

Jim Clement Modification's


Fairchild wing kit ready to build.

We also offer Howard and Waco wing kits. Contact us for more details.